Journal : To the People who walked past

Brand new poem by Amy Wragg

To the people who walked past


the unconscious man with dirty trousers.

Facedown, his legs covering

three quarters of the tiny towpath.


Did you step over him?

Or skirt round near the waters edge,

perilously close to the steep embankment.

One misstep would have sent you down ten feet.


A trip to A&E.

If you were lucky enough

to be found by a stranger.


Maybe the next person to walk down

this secluded towpath

would be too busy that day.


Take one look at your dirty clothes,

avert their eyes,

hold their children close,

and scurry on by.


Written by Amy Wragg

(Copyright Amy Wragg 2024, all rights remain with the author)

Saturday 13th April 2024